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New Procedures

Visitor Check-In Procedures

  • If the visitor has a scheduled meeting, please let the receptionist know who the meeting is with and the scheduled time.
  • The receptionist will call the person the meeting is with, confirm the meeting, let them know their visitor is here, and admit the visitor to the office reception area.
  • All visitors will need to complete the check-in procedures on the computer.
  • All visitors will be issued a visitor badge that must be worn and visible at all times.
  • After check-in procedures are complete, visitors will wait in the office reception area until the person they are meeting with comes to escort them to their meeting location.
  • Visitors will be escorted back to the office when the meeting concludes.
  • After the meeting, visitors will check out on the computer.
  • If the visitor is here to eat lunch with a student, the same check-in procedures will be followed except you will go to and from the cafeteria with your student.


Visitors without a Scheduled Meeting

  • No visitor will be admitted to the building without a scheduled meeting.
  • If a visitor would like to speak to someone, the receptionist will contact the appropriate person and see if they are available to meet.
  • If they are available the above procedures will be followed.
  • If they are not available to meet immediately the receptionist can schedule a meeting or the visitor may wait in the outer lobby until the person is available.

Volunteer Check-In Procedures

  • Volunteers will let the receptionist know they are here to volunteer and who with.
  • Volunteers will complete the check-in procedures on the computer.
  • Volunteers will be issued a volunteer badge that must be worn and visible at all times.
  • After check-in procedures are complete, volunteers may head to the location they will be working in.
  • When finished volunteering, return to the office to check out on the computer.

Substitute Check-In Procedures

  • Substitutes will sign into Timekeeper and School Check-In on the office computer.
  • Substitutes will be issued a badge and a key to the room they will be in for the day. There will be a log book for substitutes to fill out with their name.
  • The substitute badge must be worn and visible at all times.
  • Substitutes will return the badge and key to the office at the end of their work day. 
  • Substitutes will sign out in Timekeeper and School Check-In.

Student Check-Out Procedures

  • If you are here to check out a student, please let the receptionist know the name of the student.
  • Please let the receptionist know the reason for checking out so that we can let the student know the correct reason for entering into the computer.
  • Please have a seat and wait for your student in the lobby.
  • The receptionist will call the student's classroom.
  • The student will come into the office to complete the check-out procedures on the computer. Students will then exit the office to the lobby and are free to leave.

Student Medication or Speak to a Student

  • Let the receptionist know what you need to do.
  • Student will be called to the office.
  • If the student is taking medication, we will give them a cup of water and allow them into the lobby to take medication being administered by a parent or guardian.
  • If you need to speak to the student, we will allow them to enter the lobby and readmit them when you are finished.